The Blog

When was your last computer network health check up?

When was the last time you gave your network a health check up? Just like your personal health, you may not notice the signs of sluggishness or early infection. Robust network health pays big dividends by saving you money, avoids larger problems down the line, and prevents dreaded downtime IT Partners offers a complimentary Five Point

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Power outage … or ouch!

The recent wind and rainstorm knocked out the power for tens of thousands in the Puget Sound area, including many businesses. Hopefully, yours wasn’t one of them. How do your servers shut down in the event of a sudden outage? “Oh, No…” “All of power strips have surge protectors… I think…” “I have a UPS

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Meet (Y)our Data Center

One of the distinct advantages IT Partners provides for small business, like yours, is a secure, state-of-the-art, off-site data center. Installations like ours are usually much too expensive and complex for a small business to build and maintain on their own. IT Partners invested because it dramatically shifts the level of service it can offer

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Should I Upgrade to Windows 10

Windows 10 is here. Perhaps, you are wondering if it is time to upgrade? According to IT Partners’ David Hays, “Windows 10 is what Windows 8 should have been. There are lots of pluses, however, it’s important to consider your whole system.” For a small business owner the decision to upgrade is never as simple as

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Outlook Anywhere Authentication

We recently encountered a strange Outlook Anywhere connectivity and authentication failure that stumped us for several days. After migrating from Exchange 2007 to Exchange 2013 atop a Hyper-V platform, any Outlook profile previously connected worked fine, but we could not get a new profile to authenticate successfully outside of the internal network, a situation that

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Winmail.dat and WatchGuard firewalls

I’m on a bit of a run with this Winmail.dat issue because we recently needed to manage this at different levels for different purposes. If the Winmail.dat attachment must pass an XTM WatchGuard firewall, adjustments must be made on the recipient’s incoming SMTP Proxy policy as follows: Open the WatchGuard Policy Manager for your XTM

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The Trials, Travails, and Troubles of Winmail.dat

Everyone who uses Outlook seems to have had at least one encounter with the not-easily-useable Winmail.dat file, an attachment having the format TNEF (Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format) that is spawned from Microsoft’s Exchange Server when messages are sent using Rich Text Format or RTF. TNEF was created by Microsoft and was intended for Exchange/Outlook systems

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Our Customers Say…

… I rely on their recommendations… know they have my back” 

Diana SheridanCEOCascade Pest ControlKing and Snohomish County

… this is the kind of IT service every dentist needs. I can’t recommend them highly enough…

Don Jayne, DDSCEODon Jayne DDSSeattle, WA

“It sounds simple: I trust IT Partners. You know what you’re doing. You always answer the phone. You always show up. You always inform me about what needs to be done and do what you said you would do. ”

… 20 years of handling every challenge on a very timely basis.

Don Jayne, DDSCEODon Jayne DDSSeattle, WA

 While many companies tout reliable, dependable, fairly priced service, David earned those qualities daily.

Alex ChanCEOAlex Chan DDSBellevue

… very respectful of my IT budget and has kept me up and running for over 20 years with very minimal stress …

Don Jayne, DDSCEODon Jayne DDSSeattle, WA

… the kind of partner every small business needs: reliable, responsive, and strategic.

Don JayneCEODon Jayne DentistSeattle, WA

… they really own the problem until it is resolved…

Don LelandGeneral ManagerCascade Pest ControlKing and Snohomish County

Our IT systems were a mess. IT Partners came in, quickly assessed the situation and cleaned everything up in no time. It’s amazing the difference that a healthy network makes to my business

Jan MorleyCEOMorley Machine Tool AlignmentMilton, WA

…thoughtful … a strategic view … budget conscious… flexible…

Don LelandGeneral ManagerCascade Pest ControlKing and Snohomish County

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